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      bark up the wrong tree: 弄错人了

      发布时间:2024-09-04 15:31:07  浏览量:4

      to bark up the wrong tree是美式英语,原场景是:猎狗误以为猎物藏在树后而对树狂叫。现在用来形象比喻做出错误的选择、问错了人、或走错了路。


      【例句1】Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree. (瑞士的科学家们意识到,大多数其他研究人员都找错了方向。)[柯林斯高级学者辞典]

      【例句2】You're barking up the wrong tree if you're expecting us to lend you any money. (如果你指望我们借钱给你,那你找错人了。)[牛津高级学者辞典]

      【例句3】She thinks it'll solve the problem, but I think she's barking up the wrong tree. (她认为这会解决问题,但我认为她找错人了。)[剑桥高级学者辞典]

      【例句4】The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation. (警方浪费了三个月的时间对谋杀案进行了错误地调查)[朗文当代英语词典]

      关键词: bark police wrong^^tree





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